Customer Reviews
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Customer Reviews

Product Line Specialist


You are expected to possess outstanding computer skills. Some HTML knowledge would be a plus. You’re responsibilities are to maintain, develop and advance one or more specific product lines. This will be accomplished by:

  • Develop a strong knowledge for each product so that you can effectively articulate its features, benefits and advantages over its competitors as well as be able to recommend its appropriate application and use to our customers.
  • Critically analyzing our existing products in your line of products and, if necessary, improve upon its ad word campaign as well as it organic optimization techniques.
  • Research and find products that meet our product purchasing profile to increase the line of products. Determine if its vendor has a operation that is compatible with our mode of operation. IE. cost structure, co-op marketing campaign, shipping and handling procedures, etc.
  • Create product pages for new products that are keyword enriched and have outstanding descriptions and specifications, that are competitively priced, organically optimized, contain all product attributes and images as well as easily ordered through our website’s shopping cart
  • Complete a weekly spread sheet that documents your activities, your piece work and your commissions and bonuses.
  • You are expected to actively participate in quarterly one-on-one performance evaluations with owner as well as company wide meetings that discuss daily operations, individual and company successes and failures, as well as providing input regarding long-and-short term growth strategies.

Compensation Package

By the piece
You will earn $25/ small product page and $50/ large product page.

You are expected to create three product pages each month, roughly one every ten days except for months that you are not working. You are permitted to have three months off during approved time frames. You must give the owner advanced notice of taking your vacation and we must approve it.

Gross-Profit Share
Each time a product from your line of products sells you earn a commission. Your commission will be a variable percentage of the Gross Profit. Your percentage is dependent upon size of the GP.

Net-Profit Share
You are eligible to share in 10% of Eco-Building Products’ net profits with other employees after 12 months of employment.


Meal Plan: You will be eligible to have a 20% discount on all meals purchased at Taco Town, an Eco-Building Products sister company.

Health & Fitness Plan: You are eligible to participate in any and all invigorating adventures and workout organized by Betsie Bay Outfitters, an Eco-Building Products sister company.

Discount plan: You are permitted to purchase any and all products from Eco-Building Products at a 20% from retail price, assuming that the product price is set at 35% Profit Margin.. The discount can not be compiled onto a sale price.

Stock Option: After 12 months of employment, you will become eligible to apply 25% of your quarterly income to shares of stock in Eco-Building Products.