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CFL Recycling Now Available at EBP Showroom

Eco-Building Products is pleased to announce it has joined with Michigan Energy Options and Veolia Environmental Services to provide a recycling station for Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) onsite at the EBP showroom. Beginning August 20th, consumers are encouraged to bring used CFLs to be disposed in accordance with federal, state and local regulations, free of charge.

The steps are simple: bring in your CFLs, give them to the staff at EBP, and they will be bagged in a secure container and shipped to the nearest return center.

The extra step made to recycle a compact fluorescent lamp will greatly affect environmental air quality. While CFLs consume up to 75% less energy and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, they also contain trace amounts of mercury–a hazardous contaminant. Recycling CFLs lets you rest assured that the energy efficiency gained with CFLs isn’t counteracted by poor methods of disposal.

For more information on the program or  to learn how your home or business can join the network, visit today.