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Cotton Insulation Quote

    Your Name (required)

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    Your Phone Number (optional)

    Quick Specifications

    Note: Our cotton insulation is available in the following widths:
    14.75″ wide for standard 16″ on-center wood framing (93″ long)
    22.75″ wide for standard 24″ on-center wood framing (93″ long)
    16″ wide for standard metal framing (96″ long)
    24″ wide for standard metal framing (96″ long)
    15″ wide folded continuous uncut blankets 45.72′ long (special order)
    23″ wide folded continuous uncut blankets 46′ long (special order)

    These cotton insulation products are available in the following thicknesses / R-values:
    3.5″ R13
    3.5″ R15
    5.5″ R19
    5.5″ R21
    7.75″ R30 (15″ and 23″ wide 8′ batts only)

    First Area (required)

    Size: 14.75"16"22.75"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-15R-19R-21

    How many square feet?

    Second Area (required)

    Size: 14.75"16"22.75"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-15R-19R-21

    How many square feet?

    Third Area (required)

    Size: 14.75"16"22.75"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-15R-19R-21

    How many square feet?

    R30 batts or special order folded continuous uncut blankets (required)

    Size: 15"23"

    R-Value: R-13R-15R-19R-21R-30

    How many square feet?

    Please provide your shipping details so we can calculate the shipping cost

    Address 1:

    Address 2:

    City: State Zip

    Any questions or comments?

    Applegate Cotton Armor Insulation Installed in standard wall framing

    Applegate Cotton Armor Insulation Installed in standard wall framing